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Business & Success

Business & Success

Free Underwear for Man! Presented by Planet Lounge Radio – connected tunes In a marketing move that feels like an internet bubble startup business plan, a Japanese company is offering up to seven pairs per month of “free” underwear that are ad supported. Meaning that, yes, you are advertising down

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Business & Success

Do you feel stuck at a certain point in your business? Does your company not seem to be able to take the leap to the platform of success you want? Are you wondering how you can make the best of the situation? Read on for the answers: 1. Create a

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Business & SuccessGeneralHealth & Wellness, Food & Beverage

It’s that time of the year when New Year’s Resolutions are made with great zest and determination. But according to a recent survey, only 8% people achieve their New Year Resolutions. So to avoid being in the rest 92%, we offer a simple solution – don’t make New Year’s Resolutions! But if

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Business & SuccessFashion & LifestyleGeneral

Imagine waking up every morning with the biggest smile on your face and an eagerness to get to work. Imagine the first thing coming out of your mouth to be: “Woohoo. Bring it on, World!” Imagine actually looking forward to work pressures and deadlines, when they don’t get you down,

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Business & SuccessGeneral

On the face of it, it appears like a rhetorical question which cannot be answered without knowing who it refers to – whether the person referred to is rich, middle class or poor, what standards of living or lifestyles he or she would adopt and for what period of time. The question

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Business & SuccessMarketing & Media

Of all the social networking sites, the one that has truly allowed people to take their professional circles seriously is LinkedIn.It has also allowed them to connect, interact, share and benefit from these connections. But as it happens, for a newbie, who has just stepped into the world of LinkedIn, it

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Business & SuccessMarketing & Media

With the revolution of tablets penetrating into personal computer’s market, more and more users are ditching their personal computers to buy the tablets because of their portability, small size and almost as effective as to what a PC can do. The Apple iPad rules the tablet market at present and there are numerous

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Business & Success

“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake” – Henry David Thoreau Everybody has a dream. Everybody wants to enjoy life to the fullest. It is practically impossible to come across a person who does not have asp-irations and goals in life. However, it remains to be seen whether people allow themselves to

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Business & SuccessFashion & LifestyleHealth & Wellness, Food & Beverage

Does the thought of crawling out of bed at an unearthly hour give you the creeps? Do you battle with the alarm clock every morning and make the poor device suffer the brunt of your animo-sity? However, do you still crave to know the secret of being able to wake up early without

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Business & SuccessCulture Music ArtsFashion & LifestyleGeneral

Buy this, buy that – this is all we hear anywhere we go. TV, radio, outdoors, malls, restaurants, bars, internet! Buy, buy, buy – it will make you happy! That’s the message we are fed, and led to believe. What that does in turn – makes us more and more materialistic.

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